How can I strengthen my bones?

With aging comes wisdom, the search for a comfortable pace of life and bone loss - for both men and women. Your bones are the "scaffolding" that supports your entire body, granting you freedom of movement. It also provides free access to nerve signals from your brain to the rest of your body, carrying instructions for optimal function. Unfortunately, once bone loss sets in as you age, it becomes difficult to rebuild, putting you at risk of fractures and broken bones.

After the age of 60, it can take a long time to heal a broken bone and regain your previous quality of life, if ever. Many continue to have difficulty washing, eating and walking. One study showed that only 31% of seniors recovered and were able to go about their daily activities. 1 And if you have other health problems, this could further complicate recovery and quality of life.

Health complications of bone loss

Bones are in a constant state of decomposition and construction. Unfortunately, after the age of 30, decomposition exceeds accumulation and you end up losing bone mass (density). 2 Men and women lose bone density, but in different bones and to different degrees.

On average, men and women lose around 3% per decade of cortical bone (hard outer surface) and 7-11% per decade of trabecular bone (spongy inner matrix).

During the first 10 years of menopause, women lose both the slow loss mentioned above and a further rapid loss. Studies estimate that different bones vary in loss from around 2% to 13% per decade for women, and from 3% to 5% for men. Men can also contract osteoporosis, but it doesn't occur until a little later because they have more bone to begin with. 3 This means that women lose around 50% of their trabecular bone and 30% of their cortical bone over the course of their lives. Around 40% of premenopausal women will suffer fractures. 4

When bone is lost, your waist shrinks and your posture curves, adding more stress to certain areas and increasing the risk of spinal fracture. Your neck weakens and sags, dropping your head forward. Shoulders and upper back become hunched, called kyphosis. Carrying excess weight increases the pressure load and can tilt your legs.

Changes in posture can pinch nerves, fatigue muscles, pull on tendons and ligaments, and alter your gait and self-confidence. These changes also compress internal organ areas and can push the stomach and abdomen forward. Making it more difficult for some people to eat, breathe or absorb adequate nutrition from food. 5

Bone-healthy foods

We all know that dairy products provide calcium, which is good for your bones. But not everyone can eat dairy without consequences, and some are lifestyle choices, like veganism, and have to find calcium elsewhere. But bones need more than calcium. In fact, you need vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, folic acid, selenium, iron, fluoride and protein for healthy bone growth. And potassium neutralizes the acid in your body that can leach calcium from your bones. Low magnesium levels can cause problems with vitamin D and bone mineralization. So a balanced diet is key. Foods that help strengthen your bones include: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  • Dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt
  • Milks: milk, soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk
  • Fruit: citrus, orange fruit, tomatoes, mango, kiwi, blackberry, avocado,
  • Dried fruit: raisins, prunes, apricots
  • Green leafy vegetables: turnipgreens, mustard greens, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, okra, bok choy, collard greens, turnip greens
  • Orange/yellow vegetables: carrots, cantaloupe and squash, sweet potatoes
  • Mushrooms: Shiitakemushrooms, mushrooms
  • Meat: lean beef, chicken, poultry, eggs, kidneys, liver (maximum once a week), pork, ham, turkey,
  • Seafood/Fish: salmon, sardines, mackerel, sardines, shrimp, shellfish, lobster, abalone salmon, rainbow trout,
  • Pulses: beans, soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, peas
  • Cereals: whole grains, brown rice, rolled oats
  • Soya: soya, tofu
  • Nuts: almonds, almond butter, peanuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts
  • Seeds: sesame seeds, tahini, sunflower seeds
  • Spirulina
  • Sunshine

As you can see, none of the above vitamins and minerals come from processed or fast food. As we age, a poor diet can accelerate many diseases, including osteoporosis. It may cost a little more, but think of the money you'll save on doctors, hospitals, surgeries and medications. Not to mention the pain and aggravation. And you retain your independence and freedom of movement. And don't forget that as we age, broken bones are much, much harder to heal.

The best bone-building exercises

Exercise is essential to maintain a healthy weight and avoid putting too much pressure on your bones and distorting your posture. And regular exercise and the intake of beneficial nutrients help stimulate bone mineralization. Walking helps maintain bone health, but you need to pick up the pace and add "load" to your body to create more bone.

The Mayo Clinic recommends weight-bearing aerobic activities that work large muscle groups and increase your heart rate. These include dancing, jumping rope, trampoline, jogging and walking, but NOT biking or swimming . Hit hills, slopes or stairs to challenge your body. This demand pushes your body to become stronger, including your bones. This process is called Hormesis.

Other effective workouts include muscle-strengthening activities such as lifting weights, using resistance bands, push-ups, lunges and squats. These work your muscles harder, make them stronger and help support your skeletal bones and posture. What's more, adding weights, jumps and other high-impact routines is extremely beneficial.

However, if you already suffer from osteoporosis, start walking slowly and gradually increase the inclines. And start with the lowest weights or resistance bands to strengthen them and add to them slowly. You may want to discuss a routine that works for you with your doctor.

Effective supplements for bone health

Experts strongly recommend quality supplements to help men and women improve their nutrient intake and promote healthy bone growth. Because without adequate amounts of the right selection of building blocks, osteoblasts (bone-making cells) lack raw materials. Your bones will be created with "straw" instead of "planks of wood" and will become brittle. Valuable ingredients include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Potassium

Adding these tips to your daily routine could have a significant impact on protecting and improving your bone density and ensuring your independence, your regal posture and your life with vitality during your golden years!



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